Less Glove More Fist

How did Coach Nat and Coach Bronson meet? How has their life changed after one year of dating?

November 04, 2022 Coaches Bronson and Natalie Season 1 Episode 8
Less Glove More Fist
How did Coach Nat and Coach Bronson meet? How has their life changed after one year of dating?
Show Notes Transcript

Did you know Coach Nat and Coach Bronson met in Vegas? It was a tornado of events that brought them together and the world will never be the same!

In this episode, we talk about how we met, how we've learned to live together, and the power that a strong relationship can have on your life and success.

4:55 How we met in Vegas 
14:17 Finding someone who wants you to succeed
16:50 How we complement each other
20:02 Getting Coach Nat her first Keto Brick
24:59 Coach Nat jumped Coach Bronson at dinner
28:42 The aftermath of Vegas
32:30 Trips we've taken in the last year
38:05 Freedom in a relationship
40:15 Coach Nat on getting into a relationship after dealing with an eating disorder
46:40 What the last year meant to Coach Bronson
51:35 How we're different
54:18 Only you can determine your level of happiness
59:41 We met at a good time in each of our lives
1:02:00 How Coach Nat has changed Coach Bronson's life
1:09:32 One reason Coach Nat is a great Coach
1:12:05 Sign-up for the Low Carb Cruise
1:16:58 Imposter syndrome
1:22:18 Coach Bronson's Challenges are expanding
1:24:10 Our Couple's Retreat is almost here!

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Coach Nat:

Welcome to the Left Glove morphist Podcast.

Coach Bronson:

With me, Coach Bronson, and me, Coach Nat, where we peel back the curtains and reveal the truth behind Hot Topics in health and fitness.

Coach Nat:

This is Keto fit life unfiltered.

Coach Bronson:

Hello, everybody. It's Coach Bronson. Welcome to the Lesk Love Morpheus Podcast with me and Coach Ned. And today we're going to be getting into a fun topic that is not necessarily health and related. Health and related. Health and fitness related. It's been a heck of a day for this episode.

Coach Nat:

It's technical difficulties.

Coach Bronson:

Technical difficulties. Earlier, when we recorded this initially while we were also live while we were live on Instagram. So I was able to recover some of the audio from the Instagram recording, but not the intro of what this whole thing is about. So instead of jumping right into five or six minutes into the podcast, we figured we reintroduce the episode and what it's all about. So what is this episode all about?

Coach Nat:

It's about us.

Coach Bronson:

It's about us. We are coming up on one year.

Coach Nat:

That we've been we've just hit one year.

Coach Bronson:

A couple yeah. Coming up. Not even coming up. Today is one year, right?

Coach Nat:

I guess I could say today, yesterday.

Coach Bronson:

Today, yesterday, the weekend, this weekend, a year ago, we met and we're going to talk about in this episode, we're going to talk about how we met, things that have changed in the year, the struggles, the challenges, the successes, the wins, the good, the bad, and the ugly. So stay tuned for some really good information. Coach Nak gets really vulnerable.

Coach Nat:

Coach Bronson gets really open up inside of him that you all don't get to see as often as I do.

Coach Bronson:

So it should be good. Hope you have a good time. Have fun.

Coach Nat:

Here we go. Maybe there's a little fast in the eyes of traditional the norms. Traditional traditional norms. We spoke on our last episode about going outside the norm and not being afraid to be different. It's definitely different. Everything about us is different.

Coach Bronson:

Different is how we live our lives.

Coach Nat:

Even. We are very different than we were before we met each other in many ways. Now, how do you say that individually? I think that it's opened us up in new ways, and we've grown a lot in the last year that we.

Coach Bronson:

Want to get specific.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

Okay. Speak for yourself first. Then I'll go.

Coach Nat:

We're diving right in. I thought we were going to tell the story first, and then we can tell yes. About how this has really we've gotten to see as we've gotten to know each other, we've opened up to each other in ways that have opened us up to understanding ourselves in deeper ways. Right. So, yeah, I think the main thing about this episode and hey, everybody. Tuning in on Instagram. You missed the intro. This is an episode of our podcast, let's Glove Morphis. If you're not yet following our podcast, we have an Instagram page at Lescloudmorphist and not the Instagram page.

Coach Bronson:

Oh, the instagram page. Well, it is with the website, too. Less glovemore.

Coach Nat:

Fish all the platforms you find your podcast on, so you can follow us there. Follow us on my individual Instagrams. And we are telling a story about how we met and how our lives have intermingled and changed. Intermingled. I'm still in shock celebrating our one year anniversary.

Coach Bronson:

Welcome on Instagram. Like Ghost Ned just said, this is our one year anniversary and we're telling our story about all the wonderful things that have happened over the past twelve months. I mean, it's been crazy.

Coach Nat:

And what has been like there's been some stress.

Coach Bronson:

There's been but I think of the stress, most of it's been good because it's been stress from growth, not stress from conflict.

Coach Nat:

There's a lesson. There's a difference in the type of stress in your life and how that impacts you negatively or positively. Yeah, I would 100% agree with you on that.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah. So let's start from your perspective of the story of the story of the story. How did we meet? Coach Nat? How did you seduce me?

Coach Nat:

Those of you ever heard me talk about this before, my girlfriend, probably. I manifested this man into my life. That is how it happened. He materialized before my eyes.

Coach Bronson:

I completely stumbled into this.

Coach Nat:

So we met in Vegas. For those who don't know, we were both at the Keto Expo. Las Vegas. Shout out to Keto Expo. Shout out to Robbie. We can give them a lot of.

Coach Bronson:

Credit for well, there's actually two specific people that need credit.

Coach Nat:

Yes, indeed. My girl Jesse, who runs a Keto food company, Ketoa not Ola is the name of the product. Jessie and I were going to share a booth, a vendor booth at the event. We convinced Robbie Cherry to let us do that, and Jesse decided not to go about maybe two weeks before the event and offered me the boost. And this was a major step and a major risk for me to take in my business. At the time, I did not have any printed marketing materials. I did not have a brand around Keto Bikini. I had an LLC. I had been working as a coach, doing different things and launching different things, but I did not have a full fledged Keto Guinea brand yet. And so it literally materialized two weeks before the event. She just handed me this opportunity that I couldn't pass up, that I would not have been able to do in my business because I didn't have the kind of capital to go set up as a vendor at Keto Con or these larger Keto events that had been more established. So keto X las Vegas was their first inaugural event post pandemic. They were the first ones to really have an event in person again after everything shut down. So it was a major, major step. And my sister was actually in the hospital at the time with providing, so it was a I had a lot of reservations about going out to Vegas and I almost didn't go. And then when Jesse shared that she wasn't going to go and offered me the space you all know I believe in spirit and energy, in the universe, in God, opportunities materializing, I believe in manifestation, I believe in law of attraction. And I've been doing a lot of inner work over the previous year, and it just felt like something that I could not say no to. This was an opportunity being opened, a window being open. So I took a big risk. I booked the flight, I confirmed the booth, I got a bunch of materials prepared and printed to set up a booth and said, okay, you know what, even if nothing comes from this, I'm going to go take a risk and meet people and network and just go out into the space. And I may not even ever get a client from it. I didn't get a client from it, but I found my life partner, my person. So who knew that was the whole plan, the universe and God had a plan for me, and I believe this man is the reason I was meant to be in Vegas.

Coach Bronson:

So she went. Not really planning on like it was something that happened. You hadn't intended, your intention was not to this wasn't in your plan, certainly.

Coach Nat:

Not to meet someone. No.

Coach Bronson:

Right. But even going to event, it wasn't.

Coach Nat:

Necessarily in your plan. So a month prior, it was not right.

Coach Bronson:

And same for me. I had been interested in going, but with my schedule and money and it's just all the things going on at the time in my life, personally, it just I didn't think it was going to be in the cards. And then judith. Judith. I don't know if I just put something out there saying, is anybody going? I don't know how she found out that I needed a ticket, but her husband had gotten tickets, he wasn't going to go, so she said, hey, here's a ticket, I want to bless you with a ticket. I said, okay, well, I have a ticket, I can't not go now. So this last year, towards the end of last year and then this year, my goal has been to speak at more events. I was really making a conservative effort to get more networking, meet more people, make more connections so I could get into more events. So not being a speaker at that event, my only goal was to go and meet people, try to expand my network, meet more people in this space, get to know. It was my first opportunity to meet Dr. Lowry. Benizadi.

Coach Nat:

There was a ton that was the.

Coach Bronson:

First time for me to actually meet that. So that was my intention. And then I got there. Was it Friday that they started?

Coach Nat:

Friday was the first friday was the.

Coach Bronson:

First day started, and I'm walking around, meeting everybody, and then I see this. Booth, because it was the booth I was looking at. See this booth? And it's got Keto bikini, and there's a TV with this at a monitor.

Coach Nat:

With my stage video, with her stage video.

Coach Bronson:

There's a chick walking around in a bikini up on stage. Okay. Something about, like, I'm thinking all of the conferences I've ever been to, I've never seen anything like this before. And my initial thought was, this doesn't make sense.

Coach Nat:

She's not in the right place.

Coach Bronson:

She's not in the right place. But at the same time, it was kind of like, I understand where she's at. She's in a fitness space. I know bodybuilders. I work with bodybuilders. I have enough of a connection to that world that I kind of knew where you were at. But I also was like, okay, how can I help her fit into this crowd? So my initial thought when I saw your booth was, I feel like she might need some help in understanding where she's at, because I don't know if.

Coach Nat:

She knows where Target Market.

Coach Bronson:

And so I want to talk to you. And here's where things got flipped. The first thing I talked to you about, if you remember, was, what are you doing? What's your story? Just ask some questions in Jump about what your message is and what you're doing. And then being a Ketogenic bodybuilder, my questions were, do you know Louise? Do you know Rob Goodwin? Do you know I'm a Keto Beach coach? Oh, I'm a Primal coach. I'm like, oh, my God.

Coach Nat:

Okay, wait a minute.

Coach Bronson:

There's something there's a way of starting to connect here. Hold on a minute. And then that just kind of. From. There, it was the type genes, and I heels. So after that, I just forget the rest of the weekend. Pretty much after that point. But initially, I was trying to be helpful.

Coach Nat:

Well, okay. And I have to say what really attracted me to him. I'm actually going to say it because our podcast, We Don't Hold Back, it was BDE, if you all know what that is. If you all know what that means. If you know, you know hashtag I don't need to explain it. The man had BD. I think what I said to you actually was, you know how to work a room? And he's like, what are you talking about? I'm like, it was just the way he was networking for himself. But also, y'all, this is huge. Look, I'm about to be 40. I've been single the majority of my adult life. I had one long term relationship for three years, lived with someone for two. But aside from that, I've been single. So we're talking 1015 years.

Coach Bronson:

1015 years. Pause, pause.

Coach Nat:

Something happened. We're talking 22 years.

Coach Bronson:

We're back. We're recording. Okay, let's see what you got here.

Coach Nat:

We all good.

Coach Bronson:

That is so much better. Say that again.

Coach Nat:

I'm going to try to speak a little louder.

Coach Bronson:

I'm actually reading you on the screen.

Coach Nat:

Alright, hopefully we got the first half of that, but if not, we'll just cut to the well, I can pull it off here, maybe we'll figure it out.

Coach Bronson:

Alright. So we had to interrupt the podcast for a second, so hopefully I can find a way to edit this together. So it doesn't sound crazy, but you.

Coach Nat:

Were talking about being single for 20 years. When I think about, I guess, 20 minus three years in a relationship, so 17 years of adult life and my entire life really being single and dating. I brought that up because a lot of my ladies who are single in today's world will fill me on this. A lot of what you experience is today is men looking at what you can do for them. It's all about what you as a woman can do for them. What are you bringing to the table? We hear a lot of this on TikTok these days, a lot of complaints. But from the moment we met, Bronson wanted to connect me with who he knew he wanted. It was like, I felt this energy of there is this man who believes in what I'm doing, who believes I have value to give to this world, which happens to be in the area of my greatest passion and purpose in the world, sees that and then wants to do something to help me accomplish that because he believes in what I'm trying to do.

Coach Bronson:

And so I felt a kindred spirit the moment we made, like there was a connection, there was trying to do similar things right off the bat.

Coach Nat:

Right off the bat. Our mission in this life is the same. And it was immediately was like, well, have you met Chris and Miriam with Keto Chow? Have you met? He was just like, who can I introduce you to? Have you connected with these people? And he's just like bringing me around to everybody and making connections and who is this? And I've always been impressed by him and how he does what he does in his business. I've always said to you, your speed of implementation is unmatched. I've never seen anybody just get an idea, make a connection and move on and implement it as quickly as you do and not letting all the thoughts. And so the coolest thing is now that we have not only been partners in life, but in business as well, and doing some things together in business like this. Like this. I notice how we have different strengths and different weaknesses, and so we're able to really bridge the gap on the weaknesses and strengthen one another. It's just beautiful how it connects.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

So I was not taking a lot of action in my business when we met. I still struggle with the over analysis. The paralysis. Yeah. The analysis paralysis and he will run straight into something. So now he can come to me and run things by me before he just throws things out in the world and I can get his thoughts and he'll be like, Go do it right now.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah. It's nice to have somebody who complex. I think we do complement each other very well. It's funny, we talk often about how we're both building our businesses simultaneously, but we're doing it completely differently.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

We have some of the same challenges. We have similar conversations about how we're doing things and what we're doing. But the things that I'm doing are almost the exact opposite of the way you're building your business. Right. Which I don't know if we want to get into that. But having somebody that I can go to to help me I don't even know if prioritizes the right word. But help me put things in the right place so that I'm not doing things out of order or that I'm not putting something in front that should be behind and trying to focus my error rate in the wrong thing if I have an idea of something. Hey. This is a great idea. Let's do this. Hold on a second. Have you thought about this or that? Oh, yeah, okay, let me go back and think about that one again. Or even in my content, there's a lot of times where I'll write something up and be like, hey, could you take a look at that? And she'll be like, I'm like, that.

Coach Nat:

Went over my head.

Coach Bronson:

I bring that down. Do that a different way, approach it a different direction, something so having that is really good because I do tend to I mean, it's my training. It's just the way that I am. You get a goal and you just do it.

Coach Nat:

The tech mind, the engineering mind.

Coach Bronson:

I'm an implementer. I like to build things and make things happen.

Coach Nat:

And it really has helped me take massive steps that I would not have taken on my own. I would have been too afraid. There's something too about having the support of someone who gets it and just knowing that that person is there, that you're I said this to him before that it's like now we're facing everything together and that's a different kind of energy. We may not be multi millionaires, but there's something to know that there's somebody else that has your back no matter what. And you'll figure it out and you'll always be okay.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah. So back to the story of how we met. We spent a weekend together, basically.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

We stayed through. So that was Friday night. We almost missed the we missed the dinner and the party and everything.

Coach Nat:

Cocktail party. By the time we got upstairs, it was over.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah. Well, so we're sitting in this is going to sound weird. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. But I had to go back to my room while we were talking. I had to get something.

Coach Nat:

Well, first you have to do bring the stuff back to my room that I needed to pack up.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

It was a keto brick.

Coach Bronson:

You had never had a keto brick.

Coach Nat:

I had never had a keto brick. So shout out to Ross. I forgot about Crystal and the keto brick FAM.

Coach Bronson:

You guys brought us together another one we can find.

Coach Nat:

So, yeah, I had never tried the keto brick. And he's like, I have a bunch of them. You want to try to that's how he got me. And the best part, though okay, so we're sitting down, chat. We got so deep into business.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah. We're sitting across the room on two different couches or whatever. You're in a chair or something. We're like, across just like I don't even know what we were talking we.

Coach Nat:

Were surviving on something. We were talking about business. Yeah, you were telling me about the evolution of your business from running your gym and going online and all the things you've done. And I was sharing about all my certifications.

Coach Bronson:

That's right, all your certifications. There's more certifications and training and ones that you've signed up and paid for.

Coach Nat:

I signed up for precision nutrition, like, two years ago. And he just signed up and did it in a few weeks, like, a month ago.

Coach Bronson:

Done. So we're talking it's night time. This is before the dinner that we missed.

Coach Nat:

There was, like, a rooftop party, right?

Coach Bronson:

Rooftop party dinner for the whole conference, which we totally missed. We were talking for hours.

Coach Nat:

We were talking for so long.

Coach Bronson:

And then Judith comes in because he had left her bag.

Coach Nat:

She was like, oh. Like she was interrupting something.

Coach Bronson:

Hilarious. Love you, Judith.

Coach Nat:

We love you, Judas.

Coach Bronson:

That was hilarious. We spent that night hanging out, so wait, okay.

Coach Nat:

How did I know that it was really turning into something? Do you know the moment that I knew it was becoming something? Because you made a joke about it.

Coach Bronson:

I probably do, but I don't.

Coach Nat:

Okay. Because let me just mention when we spoke at my booth yes, he said he had a girlfriend.

Coach Bronson:

We're going.

Coach Nat:

There's a whole story.

Coach Bronson:

Kind of not really seeing sort of seeing someone.

Coach Nat:

And I had met someone online that I had not yet met in person, but I had been conversing, heavily conversing with someone at home. So we both had someone at home that could have been going somewhere. All right? So when he mentioned that he had a girlfriend, I was like, okay, cool business, right?

Coach Bronson:

It's very hard to say, look, this is where I'm at. I'm not here. And in my head, I'm like, I didn't come to Vegas to meet somebody, right? I came here to network and grow my business.

Coach Nat:

And really, it felt like networking. At the beginning, it was all about, oh, this is a person who could be a friend and potentially a colleague. Like, there were so many things we could do together in business. So we were on that vein, and then we were like, oh, we should go check out the cocktail party. So we're getting ready to go upstairs. Neither of us have had dinner.

So we were like, okay, well, 10:


Coach Bronson:

At this time, we'll see if they.

Coach Nat:

Have anything to eat up there. If not, we'll go find somewhere to have dinner and shout out to another friend. Goody.

Coach Bronson:

Beats goodie.

Coach Nat:

Logan Delgado, who was hosting a group at VIP at one of the nightclubs later that night. So our plan was go check out the cocktail party, whatever's left of it.

Coach Bronson:

If there's anything to eat, there maybe somewhere to eat.

Coach Nat:

And then we'll meet up with the crew to go party. So he is getting dressed because I was already I must have already I can remember this.

Coach Bronson:

Oh, my God.

Coach Nat:

He's getting dressed, and he asks me which shoes he should wear.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah, she's in there. And I was like, I'm just going to change real quick. I changed real quick and then asked her what shoes I should wear with my outfit.

Coach Nat:

And then do you remember what you said after that?

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

You're like, are we in a relationship? I just asked you what shoes I should wear.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah, that was kind of a weird.

Coach Nat:

That was the first little hint that I was breaking the tail.

Coach Bronson:

Like, wait, there's something going on here. All your fault.

Coach Nat:

It was my feminine, wild, seduced me mojo.

Coach Bronson:

So we went out. We went to dinner, then we went to party afterwards, and then we left.

Coach Nat:

No, we did not go party that night.

Coach Bronson:

I thought that was when we go to the other thing.

Coach Nat:

That was the following night because the plan was we were going to oh, that's right.

Coach Bronson:

We gambled after we ate.

Coach Nat:

Right? We still were not like this was still we were thinking friendship, business, whatever. We were like, let's go grab a bite at the hotel. Same hotel.

Coach Bronson:

They molested me at the restaurant. That's when it went from networking business to wait a second. No.

Coach Nat:

I just looked at him a certain way, and then it happened. Okay. We go to this restaurant. We're having dinner, where he told me his whole history. Like, he put all the cards on the table, right? I got to give you credit for that. He put all the cards on the table, basically, like, laid out his dirty laundry. Like, here you go. This is who I am. I'm not putting on a mask. I'm not trying to be trying to impress you or anything like that. I have four grown kids. I've been bored like all of this. I'm going to check on the live oh, wait. No, thank you. Watch. Somebody's trying to call me. As long as the live shows are live. Okay, we're good.

Coach Bronson:

Hi, live. Wait, what's going on? Okay, it's back. It's flashing.

Coach Nat:

Flashing? Let me go check the live.

Coach Bronson:

What does that mean? Her phone is flashing. It's kind of weird. How many people are on my live right now? Like one. Do you want to cancel it and go back in or how do you just do that? Alright, we're stalled right now on the podcast. Anywho while she's doing that with her life, trying to figure that out, what can I talk about? So basically, we had dinner. After dinner, you get up, you go to the bathroom. Before we walk out to leave, we were going to go gamble. We did some blackjack, which is my favorite, my gambling game of choice. On her way back from the bathroom, I was standing in the hallway waiting for her and she just walked up and planted one on my face.

Coach Nat:

Such a moment that I don't even know what happened.

Coach Bronson:

He came out of nowhere.

Coach Nat:

I don't think I did, actually. I think I walked out of the bathroom. He was standing like, okay, guys, I'm.

Coach Bronson:

Going to interrupt you. All right, guys, I'm saying she kissed me, but here's what happened, okay? She brainwashed me. She hypnotized me, by the way. She walked down the hall towards me into somehow, I don't know what came over me. I was grabbing her waist, grabbed me. It was the most and all of a sudden we were kissing. I don't know what happened.

Coach Nat:

I melted.

Coach Bronson:

It was mind control. She mind controlled me into kissing her.

Coach Nat:

Hashtag BDE. That's all I say. It was a moment of like I walked out of the bathroom, I saw him, the lighting, the everything. And I just sauntered over to him.

Coach Bronson:

Sauntered? No, you slithered. You like glided. I don't know what it was.

Coach Nat:

And the energy.

Coach Bronson:

We'll just say that on our way to the airport at the end of the weekend, the taxi cab, the Uber driver was an Uber.

Coach Nat:

The Uber driver asked which airline and.

Coach Bronson:

We both said different airlines.

Coach Nat:

And then he said different airlines. And we said yes for now.

Coach Bronson:

For now. And he said, what happens? The biggest day today. He ain't no dummy.

Coach Nat:

So the writing was on the wall from them at the end of that weekend. We were like, well, we know what we got to do. We're going home to break it off with.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah, that was the first thing, like, hey, these other things aren't happening because there's something here. And then we just kind of went all in.

Coach Nat:

Right, well, okay, this is really honestly another thing. I have to brag on this man. That made all the difference for me. When we got home, we talked on the phone a lot. He was all about the video calls. I was not, but I did it for him. And it was nice because I got to look at his face and him shirtless, which, by the way, you're welcome. This is me.

Coach Bronson:

He told me to do this.

Coach Nat:

Those are not me, guys.

Coach Bronson:

You know that.

Coach Nat:

Those of you on the podcast can't see him right now. I know. And I'm, like, about to I'm about to get half naked too, because I'm wearing more clothes than I normally am, and he's wearing less clothes than he normally is.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah. And if we have the air conditioning on, then it's too loud for us to do this.

Coach Nat:

So we're sponsoring events, but it's also the energy between us. Okay, but no, what I wanted to say was, when we got home, the intentionality with which this man operated in our relationship, it was honestly unlike anything I'd experienced before dating. He would make plans as if we lived we lived in two different states. For those of you who didn't know, he was here in Maryland. I was in Georgia at the time. And he would be like, I want to see you. What are you doing this weekend? And I'm like, this is Halloween weekend. So the plan was when we got home, first of all, this is how intentional he was. He was like, here's the rest of the year. And the Keto events that I'm planning to attend. Do you want to attend any of these with me? And so this shout out to Judy again, keto for the Soul was hosting their first giving keto friends giving in Memphis, Tennessee. Memphis, Tennessee?

Coach Bronson:

Yeah, memphis, right? Yeah.

Coach Nat:

This is my first time in it. Was that your first time in Memphis?

Coach Bronson:

It was my first time in it.

Coach Nat:

So that was about a month later, mid November. And our plan was that would be the next time we would see each other in person. We would just keep up on the phone, right?

Coach Bronson:

Every couple of months, we have an event that we do the event together, but keep up on the phone in between. Yeah.

Coach Nat:

And then it was like the week before Halloween. And he was like, I need to see you. What are you doing this weekend? I was like, I don't have any plans. He's like, Fly up here to see me. And I was like, what? Like, this whole thing was so weird.

Coach Bronson:

I'm not like, flying up to see you.

Coach Nat:

I was like, let me look into flights and pricing and overnight, this man cash apps me. I have never had a man send me money on cash app before or really ever. I've never had a man just send me money. I got a notification the next morning that I had been sent money on cash out. He's like, book the ticket. And I was like, okay, well, let's see. How long should I stay? And what did I end up? I was like, what if I just got a one way and we figure it out later? And he was like, done. Do it.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah, whatever.

Coach Nat:

So I got a one way flight up here to stay with him. I stayed with him for two weeks, and then we changed my flights, and we flew from. Here to Nashville together, right?

Coach Bronson:

To Memphis. Memphis.

Coach Nat:

So a little bit weird. A little bit. Our dating was living together and traveling together and traveling together.

Coach Bronson:

In a year, how many trips have we taken together?

Coach Nat:

Oh, my gosh, I've lost count now.

Coach Bronson:

Okay, well, let's do a little recap of the year. Okay, so this is another reason, because I don't know if all of these things would have happened by myself.

Coach Nat:

I know they wouldn't, because as far.

Coach Bronson:

As the trips go right. I feel like part of the motivation for wanting to do all of these things, obviously for the business, but doing it with somebody is way more fun.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

Way more rewarding.

Coach Nat:

And when we were not living together and we weren't in the same state, it made a lot of sense. It was like, well, let's just plan on doing that. And that's another opportunity to be together.

Coach Bronson:

So we met at Vegas. We did. Friends giving.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

What was after that?

Coach Nat:

After that, you visited me in Georgia.

Coach Bronson:

I visited you. Then we did Atlantic City for the show.

Coach Nat:

Oh, we went to WBF Atlantic City last year, which is where I'm competing.

Coach Bronson:

In the next seven weeks.

Coach Nat:

Yeah. So we did Atlantic City.

Coach Bronson:

That was the end of the year.

Coach Nat:

That was the end of the year. And by the end of the year, he was like, you're moving up here.

Coach Bronson:

So that was December of 2021. And then in January, he moved january.

Coach Nat:

Right after new Year.

Coach Bronson:

I moved up, she moved up.

Coach Nat:

Well, that was the soft move.

Coach Bronson:

That was the soft move.

Coach Nat:

We did not move my furniture yet.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

We were not like three months in, and I, like, cleaned out my house.

Coach Bronson:

But you were here from January? February, March, April, may, June, July, august is when you moved all this stuff?

Coach Nat:

No, September. We just moved my bike a few weeks ago.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

Now, we were living in a different apartment. He was living in a different apartment then. So I basically just drove up with my clothes whenever I could fit in my car, and we could talk about what that was like. It was a very awkward that took.

Coach Bronson:

Some getting used to. There's been levels, and I think part of this story is how we got together and all that kind of stuff, but I also want you guys to kind of get a feel for what it takes to handle change in a relationship.

Coach Nat:

Oh, yeah.

Coach Bronson:

That's kind of the moral of the story, is all of this stuff happened fast, and if we didn't feel between the two of us that we were safe to express ourselves and that we were open and willing to communicate nonjudgmental how we're feeling, what our expectations are, where we're at with things. Because there have been a couple of tough conversations.

Coach Nat:

Oh, yeah. More than a couple.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah. And honestly, it's crazy because once those things are over, like, if you were to ask me what those tough conversations were, I'd be like, I can't remember. All I know there were some times where we were not happy with each other, but I can't exactly remember what they were. But I remember. And I definitely have much more connection to the times where we talk and work through stuff and have the awareness and encourage and support and all those other things.

Coach Nat:

Absolutely. Yeah.

Coach Bronson:

It's kind of crazy. Like, I know there have been some tough conversations, but there haven't been many because I think we've avoided them by communicating. Communicating beforehand.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

Before it ever has to become something.

Coach Bronson:

So that's really the moral of this whole thing. There's been a lot of change changes from the aspect of just number one, I don't know if you guys know them all of my story, but I met her about two years after my last divorce. There's still a lot of things that I was dealing with and deal with now from that last relationship. And so there's a lot of things I'm dealing that I've had to go through of allowing myself to connect with somebody and open myself up.

Coach Nat:

Oh, yeah, right.

Coach Bronson:

There's been a lot of things we've had some discussions there. I've spent the last two years learning how to be a bachelor again and loving every second.

Coach Nat:

Oh, my gosh. And by the way, this man shared a lot of the stories of his bachelor days with me. I remember some conversations early on where he was like, why am I telling you all this? I don't think I should be telling you.

Coach Bronson:

A little too open.

Coach Nat:

But that just speaks to how comfortable we were with each other. It was like we really felt from the beginning that we could share anything with each other and there would be no judgment on the other side of that.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah. And there are times where we have conversations where I'm like, it's like the question, how is she going to respond to this? And I'll be honest with you guys, there have been many times where I would be used to are expecting a response that was not what she gave in a good way, where the response would be resistance, anger, resentment, lashing out, something like that. And instead, it has been open, insightful, aware, introspective, and vulnerable.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

And it's really a blessing to be able to be with somebody that I don't have to have my guard up all the time.

Coach Nat:

The best way to describe what we.

Coach Bronson:

Have we talked about it last night. I was saying there's a lot of ways to describe a relationship, and I think the way that I describe how I feel around you is unfettered. I don't feel like I have to like I'm chained to any one way of being or one way of doing things or having to guard what I'm saying. I can be an absolute goof. I've never been in a relationship, and I don't know if any of you guys can relate to this. And I hope at some point you get into a relationship where you can is where you can literally say anything that pops into your head. And it doesn't matter because I say some random *** ****, and she just looks at me and either laughs with me, which is freaking amazing to have someone who can be on my have my sense of humor and get it, or she just looks at me and goes, you're ******* idiot, I can't deal with you.

Coach Nat:

I can't deal with you right now.

Coach Bronson:

But it's without judgment. It's just all in.

Coach Nat:

It's just been fun.

Coach Bronson:

It's really nice to be here.

Coach Nat:

And I've said things around him where he makes him go, what the ****?

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

He's like, how am I with a woman that will say things like that?

Coach Bronson:

Yeah, there's aspects.

Coach Nat:

I can be very irreverent, folks.

Coach Bronson:

She's very when I'm in spaces where.

Coach Nat:

I feel comfortable, she's not I don't.

Coach Bronson:

Know if irreverent is the right word. Maybe ghetto.

Coach Nat:

Okay, first of all, I have a black card that is blacker than his.

Coach Bronson:

Okay. Yes. Seriously? She got a little more than she's got more than I got far. We won't get into that background.

Coach Nat:

Oh, boy. That's hilarious.

Coach Bronson:

I've never dated a woman as black as her, put it that way. For being a Greek Italian.

Coach Nat:

Shout out to my sorrows built Sigma Data in the house.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

They know. They know.

Coach Bronson:

Okay, so that's how we met. Let's talk about the changes what's changed in your life in the last year?

Coach Nat:

Oh, my gosh. Where do I even begin? Okay, so kind of ripping off of what you just shared for me, because for him, it was more of a it was difficult for him, and he's still working through the emotional aspects of healing from a broken marriage. Right? For me, it was disordered eating. It was sharing with him early on about my eating disorder and about where I was in recovery, because the year prior to us meeting was all about my recovery mentally, emotionally, physically. And I did not think I always thought I would need to have my business booming and thriving first before I could find a relationship, because I had a real sense that my partner in life would be a partner in business. It was a dream of mine that I would be in the same line of business, have the same passion, be able to share that with my partner, and that we would do business together. And I always thought I needed to be on the other side of success before I could meet that person. And I was certainly not there when we met.

Coach Bronson:

Matter of fact, we both have a story to talk about how unsuccessful oh, my God. Business failure.

Coach Nat:

Matter of fact, I was about to say, I don't know if I might have let all of I might have had all of my paying clients go at the time, you didn't have anybody. I'm trying to think if I even had I might have had two or three maybe at that time, or they may have fallen.

Coach Bronson:

All I remember is that you had Ketogenic.

Coach Nat:

It might have only been Keto games at the time. So yeah, that's interesting. I think that's all I was doing in business and I was very scared to really make any moves in business. And it was really because I was coming out of this very fragile state emotionally. I was coming out of depression and disordered eating deep, deep disorder. I was deep in a blamey Elapse in 2020 and so all of 2021 was recovery and so I couldn't think about a relationship. Little did I know that it was meant to happen this way, that the relationship was meant to come in to help me continue to heal and help my healing process, to be able to confide in someone else. I was so afraid of judgment. I think that's really what was holding me back in business as well. And so to be able to share I remember the early part of our relationship, I felt so fragile and I said to him many times, you are a coach at heart. Like you can't not be in your coach. You are a coach 24/7.

Coach Bronson:

It's not always good, by the way.

Coach Nat:

It's not always good. And I mean, even we would go to the gym too. We were going to the gym together a lot. I was in my off season and in a building phase and still trying to really well, no, I think when we met, it started working with a Naturopath. So I cleaned up my diet, I'd gotten into a better place. I was actually in a cut, although I wasn't like specifically trying to get on stage again or anything, but I was more in a healing my relationship with myself and my body and food while also reembracing the Keto lifestyle because I had tried to do the all things in moderation, the traditional paradigm of disordered eating recovery, and it truly failed me. So I was in this super fragile state and it felt like a time where my man was also my coach in many ways and it was difficult to receive a lot of the feedback that he was giving me.

Coach Bronson:

And we both had to find a balance between me wanting to help, being overbearing with it, but then also learning how to approach that and let her identify when she was open to the assistance because she wouldn't always ask for it.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

There were definitely times where she needed it and I had to kind of really balance and learn her language a little bit and try to read her better. But then there were times where you had to work on asking for it and then receiving it.

Coach Nat:

Yeah, that was really hard. But also there were some beautiful times where I could just cry and he would just hold me, and that's all that needed to happen. And feeling safe, the words you use are the perfect words because that is the only way you can heal from things like that, from anything, really, is the safety. Feeling safe, feeling supported, not judged. And I believe all of that was necessary to get to move me forward and move me out of that stage. And the fact that even at the time, he was like, look, come move up here. Don't worry about it. I got it like that I didn't have to worry about how I was going to pay the bills without having clients and build a business and still finish healing and just all of that at once. It just took that extra stress off my back, and there was still pressure there, still feeling like, well, I just don't want to be draining. I don't want to drain, like, all of his resources financially and emotionally and all of that. So, yeah, it's interesting when I think back to it, because thinking back to it, it feels like, man, that was really hard. But at the time, it felt so easy. And that was the way you described it.

Coach Bronson:

It's the easiest relationship that I've ever been in, ever.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

It's not easy.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

And I tell her every day, it's still weird as ****. I still wake up in the morning, I'm like, what the hell happened?

Coach Nat:

How are you here?

Coach Bronson:

What is going on? But it's I can't imagine it any other way.

Coach Nat:

I mean, I didn't think twice about picking up and moving, and I didn't tell me when I was moving either. It wasn't until I went back for my birthday in February to visit the family and got together with friends, and it was like, by the way, I moved a month ago. And then slowly, over time, I let people know that I had actually moved.

Coach Bronson:

For me, I think the last year has been a lot of things. There's been a lot of things. If I think back to where I was a year ago, I've always been a dreamer. I've always been a guy with vision and ideas and wanting to do things. And I was at the point about a year ago where was I like, okay, if this stuff is going to happen, these are the things I need to be able to do in order to move forward. I've got all these ideas. I don't know how to make them all happen, but I've got this year. This coming year has to be a jump. I don't think I would have been able to do that on my own because it's so hard to describe the impact that having someone in your life who allows you to dream can have on your ability to take action. Because if you think it's possible, if you don't have somebody in your life who's always pointing out the negatives.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

And what about this? What if that happens? What about this? What is that going to do for you? Right? We talked mindset versus fixed mindset. If you have someone in your life who is of a growth mindset, they're going to even if they think your idea is bad, instead of pointing out how bad it is and why the communication is what if you did it this way? What if we looked at it this perspective? What if you approached it this way? There's a different way of approaching the conversation as opposed to that's stupid, that's dumb, it doesn't make sense, that's not going to work.

Coach Nat:

It will never work.

Coach Bronson:

What are you going to get out of it right now?

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

It's always an immediate response. There's no vision for the long term. It's just the negative lifestyle energy.

Coach Nat:

You can't thrive for that energy.

Coach Bronson:

So being with somebody who I can come to with an idea and don't have to worry, number one, I don't have to be afraid of having the idea that it would be shot, that it would be shot down. Then I can bring it to her and say, what do you think about this? And she can say, yeah, that's a great idea, and then maybe it fits in here, or maybe we hold on to that idea and put it in our back pocket. But it's not an immediate just I don't understand. Okay. Being with somebody who has the life experience and the ability to see your potential and not use their own fears and limitations to hold you down. Guys, you don't know how powerful that is. If you're in a relationship with somebody and you're afraid of your own growth and your own potential and your own abilities, do not let that affect the person you're with. Deal with that **** on your own. Do not project it on other people. Okay? If you want your relationship to thrive, you have to let and nurture the other person in the relationship. So being with somebody who is on the same wavelength about everything you guys have heard us on the podcast, right? There's something like we're always every guys, you don't understand. Every freaking day we have a conversation about something. And I will be at a point in the conversation and just look at each other and know we're thinking the exact same thing. Or I'll say something at the same time she says something.

Coach Nat:

Or one of us says, what the other?

Coach Bronson:

I was just going to say that every freaking day.

Coach Nat:

We started this podcast because we do this at home all the time. It's just constant exchange of concepts, ideas, and expansion. And we had to capture that somewhere.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

And I want to speak on that piece about not letting your own fears and limitations, not projecting that onto your partner. Because what that requires is enough awareness of yourself and connection to yourself that you recognize when you're getting ready to do that. This man, like I said, speed of implementation. He gets up in the morning, he already had a million ideas that kept him from sleeping. He has new ones cropping up all the time and he is off to the races the moment his feet hit the floor. Many times before that like laying in bed already writing, already speaking into his phone. Whatever it is, he is gone. And I'm a riser who takes time in the morning to center myself and wake up and just allow like it's a different kind of energy. It's 2 hours later I will take action on something or move forward on something or jump into work. But I need that 2 hours in the beginning of my day to connect with myself, to let go of whatever stresses might be on my mind. And it's a whole different process. And I noticed and I still have this come up from time to time. But this is a huge lesson I learned about myself in watching him operate. For one, it inspires me. It inspires me to want to do more, be more, put more out in the world, live up to my potential, because I see him doing it every day. And for two, it can be very it could create a lot of pressure for me.

Coach Bronson:

You said that you've dealt with that.

Coach Nat:

And I've dealt with it many times. I still crop if I don't. And this is part of why I need that time in my morning. I understand myself enough to know that way before I met him, I had this stress and overwhelm hanging over me the moment I woke up because I always felt like I was behind the eight ball. And it was just constant self judgment that then kept me from action. So when I'm around his energy, I can either utilize that to propel me toward greatness, to action, or I can allow that to create pressure and stress and overwhelm for myself that will then lead to inaction. And we all have this within us with everything. Everything is either going to be helpful and beneficial for us or it can be harmful to us. We have to check and connect with how we're receiving and what messages we are telling ourselves about the things in our lives. And this is where I say, if you are not happy in your relationship, in your career, this is our podcast. We always get real, right? It is you. It is you. And we sometimes shy away from topics relating to the big things, right? Like marriage and raising kids and career, because we had this conversation the other day. These are things that you can easily feel you are limited or are impossible to change.

Coach Bronson:

It's a limiting belief. We have a saying that the two of us say frequently to each other and that is everything is everything.

Coach Nat:

Everything is everything.

Coach Bronson:

Because no matter what topic we're talking about, whether it's health, fitness, mindset, relationships, religion, politics, work, finances, fitness, anything. Okay? The concepts behind what it takes to be successful never changes. And one of the overriding things that when it comes to success is that avoiding challenges only creates more challenges. If you avoid conflict, you are going to create more conflict. So like you said, if your marriage is not good, if your job is not good, if your relationship with your kids is not good, if your relationship with your friends is not good, you don't have good finances, anything. It's because there is something within yourself that you are avoiding, confronting and changing. It's not anybody else's fault.

Coach Nat:

And look, we have both had failed careers, failed marriages, failed businesses. Well, I didn't have a failed marriage, but it was a failed relationship too, that was leading to marriage, or I thought was leading to marriage. So failed relationship, failed businesses, previous, prior careers. We've been through what I call when God slaps you in the face or when you're pushed out of the nest because God knows that there is something greater for you and that you are capable of more and that you're not living up to your potential or your purpose or your mission in this life. You're not being who you were created to be and you're too afraid to make the change for yourself. So if you're looking around and you're looking at a lot of failure I'm using air quotes in your life.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

Is something that you are avoiding and you know it deep down inside. You know you were unfulfilled. You were unhappy. Maybe you were blaming it on everything else around you and so everything else had to be taken from you for you to start going inward. We've both been there. Or maybe you weren't blaming it on everything else, but you weren't doing what you needed to do. You weren't moving on from those things that were holding you back. It had both happened to me in my career. I had it where I stayed in a job with a company for too long and every time I had a window to leave, I considered it and I didn't do it. And I stayed. They threw me a little bit more money. They threw me another promotion and I stuck around way longer than I should have. About three years longer. I was burned out and I kept kind of having these little miniresurgences and then burning out again. And then my biggest regret really was taking another position after that. After I opened my LLC, after I already started my business and I was fired up about it and ready to step into this new life. I was headed toward my pro card. I hadn't gotten it yet. And I jumped right back into my old career and took another position and thought it would be different. And within the first three months, I would say I knew it was not right. It didn't feel right, and I kept forcing it, and I wasn't doing my best work for them. And I felt that in my spirit, and it just pulled me down and everything. And my energy was low. And I remember telling my friends it was my birthday in 2020, right before I was I was essentially asked for my resignation. And it was days before that. And I remember I couldn't get out of bed and go into the office. I was like, what is going on with me? It is not I had adrenal fatigue. We can debate on another episode whether that's a real thing or not, but I've experienced that before, and I was like, I mean, I'm not there. Like, why am I having such an aversion to going to the office? And then it was only a few days later that I was asked for my resignation. And it was like, you know what? I hate that it had to come to that, because I wasn't being true to myself, and I could have walked away with dignity. And then that was only another impetus that led into the depression later that year, because it's a different kind of thing when you have to be forced into it so people don't let life force you into it. Take the step, take the risk, because it's worth it a million times over.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah, I think we're a little bit lucky in the timing of when we met was when we were both transitioning from going downhill to going uphill. We were both making a transition into that new us, that new individual person. Yeah, we've been able to kind of merge that transition, that metamorphosis into this relationship and a new metamorphosis on top of that. And I also support each other in the growth.

Coach Nat:

Yeah, I think that that's another thing that connected us, right? Because we've both been through some serious**** two years prior to meeting, and it was like we clicked on that too. It was like what? You get it. You understand.

Coach Bronson:

I know what it likes to think life sucks every freaking day. And she talks about the challenges she's had with binge eating and things like that. And just so you guys know, during the two years of me losing my marriage, losing my business, being unemployed, not having a job, 300 resumes that we talked about, right? I put out 300 resumes between the end of 2019 and the end of the middle of 2021. So almost a year and a half. Put out 300 resumes and could not get a job. Right? Obviously coveted through that time and a bunch of other stuff, but it was just like, what the **** am I going to do? You know? Ended up having to take out a loan, small business loan, just to pay bills, a lot of stuff. Not after closing your business, selling my gym, right? Getting a divorce, like all this stuff happening. So not in a good place. Not in a good place at all. And coming out of that there it is. I told you guys it's hot in here. I'm not like this just because she told me to be like this. I take anything else off. This is not a podcast anymore. This is only fans from that point on. Yeah, but anywho, I forget where I was going now. She took her shirt off, and I don't know what to do now. The hell was I saying?

Coach Nat:

You were in the middle of the story of us coming out of the darkness.

Coach Bronson:

Coming out of the darkness.

Coach Nat:

Coming into putting out all the resumes.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah. So just going through that stuff and I really forget exactly where I was. She totally threw me off.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

That's okay. I'm good with it.

Coach Nat:

I'm good with it.

Coach Bronson:

But no, I mean, both of us having gone through that definitely made a difference in our ability to connect on things. Yeah. So I think one of the cool things and we said it a little bit, a little short while ago, is all the things that have happened this year I don't think would have happened.

Coach Nat:

No way.

Coach Bronson:

So when we talk about what has happened oh, yeah. Okay. If we look at the last two years of my life, okay, sold the gym, got a divorce, lost the jobs, or wasn't able to find a job, started an online business, ended up having that. So I don't know if you guys know the evolution of my online business. I started my online business when I sold my gym in 2019. So the end of 2019, beginning of 2020, is when I started doing online fitness training, started the app that I have, doing all that kind of stuff. Built that up to where in May of 2020, I had hundreds of people subscribed to my app. I was making enough money to pay my bills, and things were going great. Sorry. Not May. March. Guess what happened in March 2020? We all know what happened in March 2020, right? Lockdowns COVID all the ****. And I lost 85% of my clients. 85% of my business gone. So from September 2019 to March of 2020, I had built up what I was on track to be a great freaking thing. Like, I'm looking at my projections for the year. I'm like, this is fantastic. This is awesome. I can live here. I don't have to worry about getting a job. I've got the money coming in. This is fantastic. And then COVID and then done. So COVID literally killed my first run at doing what I'm doing now. And then it took to 2022, pretty much to really have it start kicking in. It was after it was after you. I mean, it's really weird to think about it that way, but it was it was me. If I had not gone to quito Vegas and had not. Met you, there's a good chance that I would not have gone to any of the other conferences that we went to this year.

Coach Nat:

Wow. And you spoke on what, seven stages?

Coach Bronson:

Six or seven stages this year. I would not have written the book.

Coach Nat:

I know that because I remember that whole process.

Coach Bronson:

Right. There's a lot of things that you were not there if I didn't have you as, not even a motivator. But just knowing that the support was there and knowing that what I was doing was okay, that it was okay to put this time and effort. Because here's the thing, guys, without getting into too much detail, one of the struggles I had in my last relationship was a difference in vision. I wanted to build a business, and I understood and I knew that building a business, being a growth minded person, building a business was going to take time. I knew that. Right. I understand. It's going to take three to five years for this thing that you guys are listening to right now to be big enough to pay my bills. It's not there now by any means.

Coach Nat:

You have to play the player.

Coach Bronson:

Right. But it takes time. If you listen to Gary Vee, he says a minimum of two to three years. If you're consistently putting out content and helping people with your information for free for two to three years and expect something to happen business wise before then, you're wrong. Like, it's going to take two, three years before you actually kick up, take off.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

So technically, I'm not even two years in. And this is the crazy thing, where I see myself, my YouTube channel, my Instagram, the book, all these different things that happened this year. I am far beyond, guys, you don't understand the power of having somebody in your life that believes in you. I have done more in the last year for my business, for my own self development, and which, here's the thing, that's not even about me. That means I've been able to work with and help more people.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

This year, I have been able to impact more lives because of this woman than I ever would have before. Because I would have been I don't even know if self limiting is the word, but not being able to even see my own potential, that's there it is. There it is, right there. We talk about belief enables the possible. How many times we had the imposter syndrome come oh, my gosh.

Coach Nat:

Both of us, right?

Coach Bronson:

How many times have I come to you and said.

Coach Nat:

I'm about to do.

Coach Bronson:

This, I'm about to post something, and I don't really know what the**** I'm going to like, what? And she's like, do it, do it. Because she knows that I've done my research. She knows that I have the knowledge and the experience. And there's just that selfdoubt is human. It happens. But having to see the belief that she has in her eyes for what I can do helps put that belief in me for what I can do myself. And that's where crazy **** happens, guys. That's where crazy **** happens.

Coach Nat:

So, okay, let's run down the list for you this year, right?

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

Kyto, salt Lake. You spoke on stage, quito Salt Lake.

Coach Bronson:

The Cruise.

Coach Nat:

The Cruise was before the book, right?

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

Low carb cruise.

Coach Bronson:

No, the Cruise was after the book because I brought some books to the Cruise.

Coach Nat:

That's right, you published the book and.

Coach Bronson:

Then we did The Cruise, and then.

Coach Nat:

The Cruise, and then he got me my first speaking, first speaking on the Cruise. That was incredible experience.

Coach Bronson:

I feel like we're forgetting something else. But then there was also, what, 20 plus podcast interviews this year.

Coach Nat:

Oh my gosh, this man is going crazy on the podcast and the user, right?

Coach Bronson:

Because I'm trying to get out there. This is one of the things, guys, that understanding the power of just asking. So there was a couple of months ago, I just put a template together and I just basically went on Google and said, what are all the podcasts I can possibly think you did on? And literally found all the contacts for all the different podcasts and just send them a thing saying, hey, this is me, I'd like to come on your show. And it's been freaking awesome. Get to meet new people, get to get on new stuff, and it's kind of cool.

Coach Nat:

I've definitely done a lot more of that than I ever have before this year. I think I did one podcast in like 2020 and for me, it was a very different road on my business.

Coach Bronson:

Well, for you, your business has taken off. Okay, guys, I don't let you all know this woman works her *** off building and developing. So you guys know she's woo woo. You guys know she's all into the mindset stuff. But here's one thing that really makes her good at, is building relationships with your clients.

Coach Nat:

Oh yeah.

Coach Bronson:

If any of you listen to us, you know that we care about people and we care about our clients and the people that work with immensely. But the connection that she's able to make with people and the effort that she goes through to make sure she's communicating and listening and understanding what her people need. Yeah, I don't know if I could emulate that even though I try, like, she inspires me to do more. Okay, I'm a logical person, I'm a technical person, I'm a technology person. If it were up to me, my business would completely run itself all through automation and apps and everything else, right? But I know that that's not what people need, right? People need the connection. People need to know that they're actually talking to and being listened to by.

Coach Nat:

Me, by a way.

Coach Bronson:

And then I'm understanding and trying to help them specifically. So she helps remind me of that. Sometimes whenever I get off into the well, I can just write this, I can just do this, and she's like, no, you gotta talk to people, connect with people. Connect with people.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

So the amount of effort she does that, and you see that difference between us in our coaching and our businesses. She's built a my business.

Coach Nat:

I can't even imagine yours is why?

Coach Bronson:

Yeah, I can't even imagine. She does more oneonone coaching. You have more oneonone clients that I know. I don't know if I could manage. And that's a difference in our mindset, too. I much more think on the broad scale of, okay, how can I affect all these people?

Coach Nat:

You're more of, like, an educator. Yeah, for me, it's all about lifestyle. I'm more of a lifestyle influencer who works one on one with people. Right. And that's the way I always was in business, too. For those that don't know, I worked in nonprofit management for 15 years before I got into this. And I always hated the cocktail parties. I hated to do the hobnobbing and the very shallow conversation. For me, I want to sit down one on one, two on one, three on one, and have deep conversations. Yes. Really get to know the people. And that's the way it was like on the cruise, on that dinner.

Coach Bronson:

Oh, I love the cruise. That was awesome. Just side note, if you have not signed up for the Low carb cruise, go to Lowcarbcruise.com.

Coach Nat:

We will both be there.

Coach Bronson:

We will both go there. We're speaking there's almost like 300 people signed up now, which is more than last year. We're shooting for 500. So sign up.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

Get on the cruise.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:

June. I think it's June out of Galveston.

Coach Nat:

We have to double check the date. Yes. We would love to have you there. And something came out of that, too.

Coach Bronson:

Our first couples retreat.

Coach Nat:

Couples coaching clients.

Coach Bronson:

Coaching clients.

Coach Nat:

And that was through developing deep relationships. Sitting with the same people every night at dinner. I was going to say so back in 2020. For me, my business was a hobby for many years while I was working. And it was just like getting certifications mainly for my own education, and then helping some people here and there, launching some things here and there. I'd launch a group program or challenge, and then that would be it. And then cricket. And then I never built my email list, and I never, like, did any of the funnels or all the online fancy stuff. I had a Facebook group. I would let it lapse. So it was really treating it like a hobby. And then I formed the LLC in 2019. And then 2020, when it was like the rug was pulled out. I no longer had my fulltime job, and I was a pro at that point. I had gone pro with the WBFF, and it was my passion, and I was supposed to be competing. And then all the competitions got canceled. And that's when it was like, okay. I started going into that dark place, so I started creating things for people. The very first thing I did was a free thing. It was a 21 day what did I call it?

Coach Bronson:

Booty Blast.

Coach Nat:

No, it was not. It was more the woo woo. It was choose yourself challenge.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

And it was one thing you could do each day to choose yourself. And I was having a hard time getting up and getting out of bed in the morning. So the first thing was like, get up, get out of bed and make your bed. And then it would be like, take a shower. It was like the simplest things. And when I tell you and I forced myself to do that. And I was writing the emails each day for this 21 day thing.

It would be like 11:

00 at night and I'd be writing the email for the next day. That's where I was with my own. I was using it for myself. And then I was just like, hey, anybody who wants to join, this is free. Just give me your email. You're going to get an email every day. I started getting responses to those emails that broke my heart. It was like, this is exactly what I needed right now. I wasn't showering. Talk about connecting with the pain that other people were going through the same thing I was going through. And that's where it all started. And from there is where I actually hosted my first ever Keto bikini body. Anything. Nothing had ever been used that title before and it was the six week Shred. And it was my first group program. And it was absolutely life changing working with the nine women that I worked with. And it was the most money I'd ever made in my business because I got my very first paid in full client earlier that year. Shout out to Jeff if he's watching this. He's the one guy that I'm working with now. He just signed up with me again after two years. We worked together for a year and then he took a year off and now he's back and he is the one guy I will always hold a spot on my roster for because he and I met at a salsa congress. First time I ever went. It was another thing of like, putting myself out there and taking a risk. And I just went and volunteered to work this salsa congress in Atlanta. I love salsa dancing. And we just chitchatted and struck a connection. I gave him my card. I just had my business card printed up. And it was the most beautiful it was a life and health coaching because I'm also a trained life coach relationship for a year. And it was so beautiful and beneficial for me as well as it was for him.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

And that's, working with him for a year and then working with my ladies in that challenge. And then some of them signed up with me as one on one clients. And that's where my business really became a business for the first time.

Coach Bronson:

And then once we met, you had said you were kind of stalled in that.

Coach Nat:

I had. All of it had dried up, pretty much.

Coach Bronson:

Meeting me completely changed everything in my life for the better.

Coach Nat:

In many ways.

Coach Bronson:

In many ways.

Coach Nat:

But just as he was saying, he saw the potential in me when I was too afraid. I didn't see it. Who am I to this, that? And when we first met, you're like, what? You have this certification and that certification.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

We met.

Coach Bronson:

I was telling her she needs to stop getting certification to start building a business. Like, that was like with the first 4 hours of meeting, I was one.

Coach Nat:

Of those people who always chased more education, feeling like I needed more credentials to make me credible.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

And he was like, you have the knowledge and the experience you need to just put yourself out there. And I mean, any live video you ever see me do is because of him. I'm still not comfortable going live. All of that. It's crazy when you think about it. Like, oh my God, you're a bikini competitor. You go on stage, you do these photo shoots, you do these video shoots. But it's different. Performing for an audience is different than.

Coach Bronson:

Showing up for video is weird.

Coach Nat:

Yeah, it's a very different it is weird phenomenon.

Coach Bronson:

Well, part of this because you're seeing yourself.

Coach Nat:

That's part of it, yes.

Coach Bronson:

It's like looking in the mirror. Looking in the mirror yourself is not comfortable.

Coach Nat:

Well, it's like they say, the people who are comfortable speaking to large audiences are not usually comfortable in smaller groups.

Coach Bronson:

Correct. Right.

Coach Nat:

Yeah. So I've always been kind of the other way around.

Coach Bronson:

So the transformation of your business over the last year has been fairly dramatic, I would say. Not just in the number of clients that you have, but the things that you're doing and how engaged you are at all.

Coach Nat:

Yeah. Okay. I did not have a YouTube channel when I met this guy. I did not have a Facebook group. I had let my Facebook group lapse, and I hadn't done that for years. I did not have an active email list that I was doing anything with. I did not have a roster of clients at all. I was kind of hiding with Keto games. It was like I was comfortable there. And it was like, well, it's bringing in spring something.

Coach Bronson:

I'm still coaching. I'm still connected.

Coach Nat:

Yup. And I felt like I just need to keep doing safe place.

Coach Bronson:

It was a comfort.

Coach Nat:

It really was. I was hiding in my comfort zone.

Coach Bronson:

I'm going to let it out now. It was a comfort zone that in two weeks, she will no longer be in.

Coach Nat:

Oh, my gosh. This is the first time we're telling anyone. So this is my last boot camp as a Keto Games coach. So after this one, I will completely be independent and I have a beautiful, amazing roster client.

Coach Bronson:

Guys, you have no idea how happy I am seeing her have to go through. And this is the challenge. We both been here. The business job, balancing your passion, your energy, and splitting up your time, having to switch back and forth between them, thinking about this. And I have to fit my responses and my interaction and everything into a parameter. That's not right.

Coach Nat:

It's not my own right. It's not my own protocol and it's.

Coach Bronson:

Not my own protocol or program or anything else. I'm still helping people, but I'm doing it in a way that limits what I really want to do and how I'm passionate about doing it. Yeah, he's been pushing me. I've been telling you for like six months you need to stop doing that. So I'm super glad that you're finally doing that.

Coach Nat:

Finally stepping out 100%. He's been pushing me to write my book, too.

Coach Bronson:

She needs to write a book. You all need to bug the **** out of her to write a freaking book.

Coach Nat:

That might be the next thing, even.

Coach Bronson:

If it's just a cookbook. Yes. God, so many freaking recipes.

Coach Nat:

I keep I have like this little tiny blog that still doesn't have much on. I keep saying I'm going to start.

Coach Bronson:

Doing some work and we need to write a book together.

Coach Nat:

You heard it here first.

Coach Bronson:

We need to write a book together too.

Coach Nat:

I think we should.

Coach Bronson:

We did.

Coach Nat:

We definitely okay, so here's another thing. All right. So now I have an absolutely amazing Facebook community group with my ladies. We just finally passed 200 women in there. I was like, we're going to get over.

Coach Bronson:

But again, numbers don't count because you have some great engagement conversations and things like the relationships.

Coach Nat:

Yes, exactly. And an amazing group of women that I work with. One on one, everybody. One on one. Haven't launched a group program in quite a while. Maybe next year will be the next one of those. What else has happened? Oh, my goodness. I spoke of my first date. I booked again for the cruise. I just did another interview, done a couple of interviews. I've got another one coming up next week, so going to be doing more of that. I'm guest speaking on his challenge. The challenge. We didn't even mention the challenge. That's a huge challenge this year, being.

Coach Bronson:

Able to partner with In Body and have the quarterly challenges and all that kind of stuff, which have been great. There's going to be some changes for next year. We're starting the challenge next year. Some changes are being announced. But one of the things that we were able to introduce this year again, which would not have happened if I had not been able to have that self belief, just book and schedule and in many cases push myself into some of these speaking engagements and go to some of these events, right? But being able to speak at Ketokan and go to Ketokan and meet Dr. Schindler, being able to go to Salt Lake and speak and meet Amy Berger and these things, right? So having these opportunities, helping create these connections with people. Now I have a challenge that we're running right now. We're starting week three in the challenge. Are you coming on this week or next week?

Coach Nat:

I was going to ask you that.

Coach Bronson:

Earlier if you're interested in the challenges. Now we have guest speakers, not even speakers, guest experts who come in. We have weekly calls during the challenges. So now we have Dr. Schindler coming in, talking about ancestral eating and how to prepare food and all the importance and where our food came from versus what we have now, the impact of modern life on nutrition and all that kind of stuff. We have Amy Berger coming in, who's one of the longest term experts on keto and health and nutrition and all sorts of things. So she's going to come and have a Q and A. We've got you coming on the beginning and on the end to talk about mindset for the ten weeks, but then also mindset afterwards. And how do you continue the process to be successful after the challenge is over. So without these connections, the things that I'm able to offer to people, right, and access would never have happened. And it's all because of you.

Coach Nat:

I'll take full credit for that.

Coach Bronson:

So I hope this is a little bit this is almost an hour and a half. Well, assuming the first part of this works, we can make sure that for.

Coach Nat:

A but okay, then there's a couple of other things that have emerged from this. And it's our first couples retreat in four weeks. Four weeks?

Coach Bronson:

Holy ****. It's only four weeks. Wow.

Coach Nat:

Yeah. Countdown is on.

Coach Bronson:

Countdown is on. Four weeks away, guys. Couples retreat, couple spots open still.

Coach Nat:

If you want to join, we're solidifying the itinerary today.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

That's going to be incredible. Deep, intimate connection with other couples, living in a house together for the weekend.

Coach Bronson:

You get to see how we actually live our lives. I will not be walking around.

Coach Nat:

Shirtless movement, meditation, all kinds of good things. Workshops, cooking together, eating together, all that good stuff. And we're hosting a meetup on the east coast with Dr. Schindler and Sally Norton and Dr. Hussey.

Coach Bronson:

Dr slipper at the modern Stony's Kitchen.

Coach Nat:

And that is going to be incredible.

Coach Bronson:

Butcher a pig.

Coach Nat:

Oh, yeah.

Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

That's going to be amazing. So we're going to be doing more meetups. We want to do more meetups in 2023. We even put a little group together locally. Meet up groups on meetup.com. And we did a hike the other week so for us right now and something we are going to do. I got to say this because I think this will be beneficial for the couples or anyone, but particularly for the couples. After our retreat is over, we're staying down destined for a couple of extra days and it is going to be a masterminding 48 hours for the two of us to connect individually and together on our vision and our goals and our plan for the next year. So getting ahead of the next year visioning, where we want to be and where we want that to take us in the next five years and laying out an outline for the year, what is on the horizon, where does it need to be plugged in time wise and how we're going to make it all happen and support each other in doing that. What's on first for him? What's on first for me? What are we going to do?

Coach Bronson:

How we're just going to take all this stuff we're doing and make it one business? We do everything together.

Coach Nat:

I mean, every once in a while.

Coach Bronson:

Okay, we both have all this stuff going on. Why don't we just make it one thing?

Coach Nat:

I think eventually it'll probably end up.

Coach Bronson:

You guys, tell us what you think about that. Yeah, plant the seed there so you see if anything grows out of that seed. All right, guys, thank you very much for listening. This has hopefully not been rambly but been insightful into a little bit about little rambly. Yeah, definitely rambly but also insightful. Hopefully a little insight into us, kind of where we're coming from, our experiences.

Coach Nat:

A window into our world, a window.

Coach Bronson:

Into our world, our mindset about the changes that we're going through and understanding that change is good. It doesn't always feel good while you're in it. I know the last two years before meeting you did not feel good, but I couldn't be where I am without it.

Coach Nat:


Coach Bronson:


Coach Nat:

Embrace the discomfort. Don't avoid conflicting to it. And if you're not happy, dig deep. Figure out what needs to change with you because you cannot change another human being.

Coach Bronson:

Yeah, 100%. Perception is everything. All right, guys, thank you very much for listening. Thanks for being on the live. If you're still followed, if you're still watching us on live and you haven't.

Coach Nat:

Gotten it, thanks for hanging in all this time. It looks like we have a comment. I'm going to see it.

Coach Bronson:

We have a comment. Okay, before we go, let's see what the comments are. Do we have multiple comments? Do I have any comments? You have all the comments. I don't have any comments on my life. Okay. Thanks, Christie. If you haven't seen on my social media or Nat social media, ultimate Ketogenic Fitness Labs Ukflads, we are launching a protein line protein powder line that we would love you guys to participate in. We've got to get 500 units ready to go. In order for the first order out.

Coach Nat:

Trust me, you want this stuff.

Coach Bronson:

It's so dark chocolate. It's freaking amazing.

Coach Nat:

Breesso dark chocolate. Oh, my God. It's so good.

Coach Bronson:

It's fantastic. So it's a formulation that I came up with that I tried out and used myself. I love it. We got the flavors and all that kind of stuff worked out. And hopefully, if we reach the goal sooner rather than later, we can get product in everybody's house for the new year. That's kind of the goal.

Coach Nat:

If we need to sell 500 units. You can support by preordering. You can also support at a higher level. There are many options. So thank you so much to everyone who supported already. We're so grateful for you and we cannot wait to get this into production.

Coach Bronson:

It's going to be fantastic. Ukflabs.com is where you go to sign up, and I guess we'll leave it at that. Thanks for listening, guys. Take it easy. See you next time.

Coach Nat:

And until then, eat, lift, fleet, repeat.